Monday, February 10, 2025

Tic-Tac-Toe Dice


I can't find the form for this, but it's too good an idea to ignore. And it should be relatively easy to create your own play mats.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Food for Thought: How Do You Get Your Kids Talking at the Table?

How do you get your kids talking at the table?

1. Keep It Casual

Don't ask your child a direct question. It could put them on the spot and they'll shut down. Open conversations with your own stories to urge them to join in.

2. Play Games

Fill a bag with slips of paper containing a bunch of topics. At dinner, take turns picking out a topic and discussing it.

3. Make 'em Laugh

Ask what was one funny thing that happened at school that day.

4. Include Others

Teach them to show empathy for others. Ask questions about the people in their lives - friends, teachers - reinforces the idea that others' feelings are important.

5. Get Details

Ask who they sat with. Who they played with at recess. What happened on the bus, etc. Specific questions might be what they need to get them talking.

(Source: Real Simple magazine)